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 The dark knight

Issuing time:2017-10-23 10:54

The dark knight      There are so many films that have deeply moved me since I was a  little child, and without question The Dark Knight is the most brilliant.    In the movie, the negative character Heath Ledger’s vivid  showmanship give us a crazy, dark, cunning madman—Joker who believes the thing deeply in a man’s heart is darkness and evil, and he tried his best to prove his theory to batman and everybody. Almost every scene and every dialogue of this movie is classical, and the upsurge of this movie is the “life choose”. The Joker places explosives on two of the ferries, and one ferry with convicts, the other with civilians--telling the passengers the only way to save themselves is to trigger the explosives on the other ferry; otherwise, he will destroy both at midnight. Time goes and everybody has to face a cruel choose—die or kill. Then the most heart-warming scene come, a black man convict in the convict ferry stand out and walk towards to the policeman and say “you don’t want to die but you don’t how to take a life, give it to me These men will kill you and take it, anyway. Give it to me, you can tell people I took it by force, give it to me and I'll do what you should have done ten minutes ago.” The Warden slowly hands him the. The Prisoner looks at it. He looks the Warden in the eye, and then tossed the trigger out the window. Warden,

prisoners and officers are stunned. The whole ferry fell into silence. Finally, batman beat the joker and saved the people.    While, actually the men who save them are them, it is the power of  the human nature saved them. This movie tells us a theory, the thing deeply in a man’s heart is goodness. Maybe the most success of the dark knight is the description and rouse of human nature. “The Dark Knight” is not a simplistic tale of good and evil. Batman is good, yes. The Joker is evil, yes. But Batman poses a more complex puzzle than usual: The citizens of Gotham City are in an uproar, calling him a vigilante and blaming him for the deaths of policemen and others. And the Joker is more than a villain. He’s a Mephistopheles whose actions are fiendishly designed to pose moral dilemmas for his enemies.  Because these actors and others are so powerful, and because the movie does not allow its spectacular special effects to upstage the humans, we’re surprised how deeply the drama affects us. Eckhart does an especially good job as Harvey Dent, whose character is transformed by a horrible fate into a bitter monster. It is customary in a comic book movie to maintain a certain knowing distance from the action, to view everything through a sophisticated screen. “The Dark Knight” slips around those defenses and engages us.

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